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Our main mailing list consisting of thousands of people around the world. The news items you will receive include conservation events and developments, special travel opportunities, new wildlife book and video announcements, new wildlife websites, and much more.

Subscribe/Unsubscribe to the Media Mailing List

This mailing list is only for environmental journalists and media organisations (newspapers, television, radio, magazines, internet). Subscribers receive full-text news releases from African conservation organisations that use our service to disseminate their news to the media.

Subscribe/Unsubscribe to the Travel Trade Mailing List
This mailing list is intended for the travel trade - destinations and travel services within Africa, and agents and operators anywhere who wish to remain abreast of travel developments in Africa.


Subscribe/Unsubscribe to the Travel Specials Mailing List

This mailing list is for travellers planning their travels in Africa cost effectively. Subscribers will receive regular notifications of the latest travel specials released by Africa's travel destinations.

Subscribe/Unsubscribe to the Wildlife Specialist Mailing List

This mailing list is intended for persons or organisations involved in wildlife conservation related activities in Africa. Subscribers receive news on availability of new products, announcements of specialist meetings and symposia, etc. This list is quite boring if you are not in the wildlife game!

Subscribe/Unsubscribe to the Wildlife Property Mailing List
This mailing list is intended for prospective property buyers and investors. Subscribers will receive regular updates on property and investment opportunities throughout Africa.